Demonoid (1981)

What is it that they always say – “Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop?”

Yeah, that probably best sums up this week’s new B-Movie Enema review. We’re making a run for the border, and, no, it’s not for Taco Bell… unless you want me to have explosive diarrhea. Well, maybe you do, but I don’t want that for myself. No, it’s for Alfredo Zacarías and his supernatural thriller, Demonoid!

You know what’s great about that? This is the second time we featured a movie written and directed by Zacarías. Oh yeah, I covered him way back in 2018 with his nature-gone-wild epic, The Bees. Even though the reviews of this movie isn’t exactly kind, calling Demonoid a “tedious possession movie” and what have you, I know what I saw in The Bees. I could argue that one was also sort of tedious in how it was made, but goddammit if it wasn’t fucking bonkers at times too. That gives me a tad bit of hope that I could get something decent here in Demonoid.

Continue reading “Demonoid (1981)”

The Bees (1978)

Last week, we had ticks, now B-Movie Enema has a problem with The Bees.

It’s been a while since B-Movie Enema crossed the border to Mexico for a movie.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve looked at one since The Brainiac some two and a half years ago.  This time, it’s a movie that is more of a Mexican production more than a product of Mexico through and through.  This movie is about some evil businessmen bringing over some deadly bees from South America and when they get loose in the United States, they start destroying society.

Because this is a B-Movie from the 70s, you better believe we have us some John Saxon and John Carradine along for the ride.  Not only that!  But we also welcome back Angel Tompkins as our leading lady.  She appeared in one of the very earliest B-Movie Enema articles, The Teacher.  She played, well, the titular teacher. Continue reading “The Bees (1978)”

The Brainiac (1962)

The doctor is back in…  For better or worse.

B-Movie Enema returns with a tale of horror from south of the border!  This little nightmare fever dream of Donald Trump’s is called The Brainiac (also known as El Baron del Terror in its native Spanish).

“So what’s this all about?” you ask?  Based on the poster you have a pretty cool demon-like dude, a woman who was clearly shocked to be told she is in this movie, and what appears to be a couple guys with some flamethrowers. Continue reading “The Brainiac (1962)”