The Toxic Avenger (1984)

He was 98 lbs. of solid nerd until he became… THE TOXIC AVENGER!

Welcome to a brand-spankin’ new B-Movie Enema. As it were, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, my Enemaniacs! To celebrate, let’s visit Tromaville, New Jersey, the home of everyone’s B-movie uncle, Lloyd Kaufman. Kaufman and his producing partner Michael Herz co-directed this breakout film for Troma Entertainment.

Now, I’ve covered several movies released by Troma from within the distribution arm of Kaufman and Herz’s entertainment company. I’ve even covered a few other movies that featured Kaufman as an actor. Only once, though, did I ever cover a film actually funded, made, and released by the Troma team. I’ve not brought this one up for quite some time. It used to be one that I would reference often, and definitely compare to when I’d see a movie of a particular level of quality. Do you guys remember which one that was?

That one is the cinematic diarrhea disaster that was Pot Zombies.

Continue reading “The Toxic Avenger (1984)”

The Last Horror Film (a.k.a Fanatic, 1982)

Welcome back to B-Movie Enema and our special January theme month, David Winters Winter.

This week, we’re going a little earlier in the 80s to see what David Winters would do in the horror slasher genre with The Last Horror Film. This movie also goes by the title Fanatic. In fact, my DVD that I have of the movie comes with that second title. I’m not sure if this was something that played in theaters with Fanatic, or if that’s just the home video distribution title from Troma Entertainment.

Either way, The Last Horror Film co-stars musician Judd Hamilton who also co-wrote the movie and co-produced the film with Winters. Hamilton was the brother of Dan Hamilton of Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds who had the 70s hit “Don’t Pull Your Love”. Judd did a little bit of surf music to rock to country. He was married to the lovely Caroline Munro from 1970 to 1982.

Continue reading “The Last Horror Film (a.k.a Fanatic, 1982)”

Bloodsucking Freaks (1976)

Oh boy, do we have a LOT to talk about in this new B-Movie Enema. article.  Oddly, the movie itself, Joel M. Reed’s controversial Bloodsucking Freaks from 1976, doesn’t really have a lot to discuss in terms of what is seen on the screen (don’t worry, I will be calling play-by-play nonetheless).  No, there are two topics in particular to discuss in much greater detail.

I’m not entirely sure where to start with this, so let’s start with the director, Joel M. Reed.  He unfortunately passed away in a care facility in New York City just earlier this year.  He’s one of the many unfortunate casualties due to the global pandemic that is COVID-19.  He’s likely known best for making this movie, which drew the ire of many, many people when it was released.  The release of the movie also had a couple alternate titles like The Incredible Torture Show and Sardu: Master of the Screaming Virgins.  However, almost everyone knows this movie by the title Bloodsucking Freaks.  That’s the name applied to it by Lloyd Kaufman when Troma came along to take over the distribution of the movie.

That began a long relationship with Kaufman that lasted up until Reed’s passing. Continue reading “Bloodsucking Freaks (1976)”

The Children (1980)

Another week, another movie I was exposed to by my brothers when I was younger – The Children!

What’s great about a company like Vinegar Syndrome is that they have a wonderful eye for obscure horror, sci-fi, and erotica.  The Children came out when I was really young, and somewhere along the way, my brothers watched the movie.  I sincerely doubt they saw it at a real movie theater, but I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if it played at one of our local drive-ins.  However they saw it, they saw it and brought it home from the video store or recorded it on cable or something, and then I watched it.

Now, I don’t want you to believe they made me watch these horror movies when I was a wee tyke.  That simply wasn’t the case.  No one made me watch these horror movies.  My brothers weren’t complete monsters.  Nah…  I could have, at any point in time, simply closed my eyes or fallen asleep while they had me strapped and chained down to the chair to make me watch these movies. Continue reading “The Children (1980)”

Nightmare Weekend (1985)

Let’s get back into some good ol’ fashioned weirdo 80s horror, courtesy of Vinegar Syndrome!  I swear, 2019 should just be called “The Year of Vinegar Syndrome” for B-Movie Enema.  Looking back and ahead, I’ve got so many VS titles on my calendar, I should start asking for official sponsorship!

This time around, it is the French-produced, shot in Florida Nightmare Weekend from 1985.  Apparently, we’ve got ourselves something special here – head explosions, softcore sex, bikers, rollerskating, telepathic puppet…  And Dale Midkiff of Pet Sematary fame.  Just when I thought I would be all in with weirdo horror movie made in Florida, the weirdo horror movie of a state, you had to toss all the rest of that jazz into it, too? Continue reading “Nightmare Weekend (1985)”

Splatter University (1984)

There are few things about the 80s more true than the following:

1. Kids went to college.
2. Slasher movies happened – sometimes at colleges.

The topic of this week’s B-Movie Enema is the 1984 slasher flick, Splatter University.  However, it’s not really 1984.  The film was initially filmed in 1981.  When the runtime was only 65 minutes, they went back and filmed 13 more minutes in 1982.  So, really I guess this movie has three potential years of release.

And the movie REALLY struggles with the dimension of time – more on that later. Continue reading “Splatter University (1984)”

Pot Zombies (2005)

Lloyd Kaufman and his Troma Entertainment arrive to B-Movie Enema.

Troma is not unknown for some pretty crazy movies like the Toxic Avenger series, Tromeo and Juliet, and Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD.  Not long after the turn of the century, Troma did a young filmmakers series.  One of the movies to come out of that series is today’s featured movie, Pot Zombies.  And by “One of the movies…” I mean the only movie to come out of this project.

According to High Times Magazine, “Finally, a film that delivers what it promises!” Continue reading “Pot Zombies (2005)”