Amazon Hot Box (2018)

In August, I attended HorrorHound Weekend in my hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana.  As a veteran of various comic conventions and previous HorrorHound shows, it’s an experience I love.  Do I spend too much money?  Oh, for sure.  Is it a lot of walking around and looking at the same thing over and over as if I’m driving an IndyCar around the famed Indianapolis Motor Speedway?  Kind of.  But what I enjoy can be summed up fairly easily by saying I enjoy the time with friends, buying stuff, and sometimes, sometimes, finding something new that I wouldn’t normally be aware of.

That brings me to a couple movies I’ll cover between now and the end of 2018 – Amazon Hot Box and Space Babes from Outer Space.  The former being this week’s featured film. Continue reading “Amazon Hot Box (2018)”

Ilsa, The Tigress of Siberia (1977)

And here we are, the final entry for the Ilsa She-Wolf of SSeptember theme month at B-Movie Enema.

Thus far, we’ve seen Ilsa run a Nazi concentration camp, a sheikh’s harem and sex slave trade… warehouse(?), and a psychiatric hospital in (probably) Spain.  Now, we turn back the clock to 1953 Soviet Union.  Here, Ilsa runs a gulag in Siberia for political prisoners where she breaks them mentally and physically.

Not only does this come full circle back to Canada as the sole country of production, but we also have a couple star-studded names producing the film.  First, we have Ivan Reitman who, before coming to America to produce and direct some of the biggest and best comedies of the 80s, produced horror and exploitation films like this and David Cronenberg’s Shivers.  He and Cronenberg were great friends both from Canada, and it was Reitman’s suggestion for Cronenberg to cast one of the biggest porn stars of all time, Marilyn Chambers, in Rabid. Continue reading “Ilsa, The Tigress of Siberia (1977)”

Ilsa, The Wicked Warden (1977)

We’re back for round 3 of Ilsa She-Wolf of SSeptember Month here at B-Movie Enema.  Last time, I mentioned that this week’s installment, Ilsa, The Wicked Warden, was a bit of the redheaded stepchild of the series.  It’s not because Ilsa is a redhead this time around (I mean… yes that too), but it’s really because this movie was never meant to be a part of the series.

The first two, as well as next week’s installment, were legitimately made to all be about a ball-busting chick (sorta) named Ilsa who ran a prison camp or a harem.  This was actually meant to be entirely separate.  This film was legitimately filmed to be like those other women in prison, sexploitation flicks and be marketed overseas.  What better way to sell them than to have Dyanne Thorne be your villainess?  And how do you give it more of the European flavor? Continue reading “Ilsa, The Wicked Warden (1977)”

Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976)

Ilsa She-Wolf of SSeptember soldiers on with another installment in Dyanne Thorne’s ruthless, big-tittied, dominatrix title character’s filmography.

This time, she’s a harem keeper.  A harem keeper of the oil sheiks.

I know what you’re thinking though…  “Geoff, I read your B-Movie Enema blog loyally every goddamned week.  I thought Ilsa died at the end of her first movie?  What the fuck gives you pencil dick fuck nugget?”  (Yes, I know that is exactly what you, my dear readers, say about me.)   Continue reading “Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976)”

Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS (1974)

Welcome to Ilsa, She-Wolf of SSeptember Month here at B-Movie Enema.  What the hell does that mean?  Well, over at Film Seizure, I’m co-hosting a month of sexy thrillers called Sexy September.  What better way to compliment that than to have a scumbag version of the same theme over here?

And, if I’m going to do that, there’s only one way to make it really scumbaggy…  Nazisploitation.

Nazis are evil sons of bitches.  They are basically the lowest form of person to have ever lived.  While I’m sure it can be argued exactly how many people in the German population between 1933 to 1945 were true blue believers of the horrific ideals of Adolf Hitler, there’s no better movie villain ever than those damn scuzzy fuckin’ Nazis.   Continue reading “Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS (1974)”