Night of the Demons (2009)

Happy Halloween Eve!  It’s that time of the year that B-Movie Enema does the Halloween special post.  The last two years I did Halloween: Resurrection and Halloween III: Season of the Witch.  Technically, both are listed with their theme months on this site’s category pages, but neither truly fit the actual month they appeared in.  Halloween: Resurrection had no vampires nor did Halloween III technically have any recognizable slasher villains – just a damn dirty Irishman drunk on Celtic need to kill children.

Fuckin’ Irish. Continue reading “Night of the Demons (2009)”

Night of the Demons (1988)

We’re really getting to the real headliners of Nights of Demons Month for B-Movie Enema!  I mean, how can I not?  This week is the week I get to talk about the inspiration for the title of the entire theme month!  Not only that, but it is one of my favorite horror movies as a kid.

Yup, it’s Kevin S. Tenney’s Night of the Demons.

With next week being Halloween proper, what better movie to talk about than a movie that told a 12 year old me what happens when adults (or possibly older teenagers) go off and party for Halloween in a scary house?  On top of that, we’ve got a hot witchy spooky chick and Linnea Quigley putting lipstick on her boobs before literally shoving the lipstick into her boob.  Continue reading “Night of the Demons (1988)”

Demonia (1990)

See?  I told you I’d get back to Italy before this month’s out.

This time, I’m looking at Demonia.  It was directed by Lucio Fulci, who is often considered one of the better Italian horror directors.  In fact, I’m itching to do his Zombie so look for that in the near(ish) future.  Unfortunately, where Zombie is considered a really good movie, Demonia is often cited as one of Fulci’s weakest.  And to be honest with you, despite the name invoking imagery of demons and various demonic stuff, the movie is a little more witchcraft, ghosts, and a touch of satanism as opposed to the other movies this month. Continue reading “Demonia (1990)”

Demon Wind (1990)

Welcome back to Nights of Demons Month here at B-Movie Enema.  This is our month long celebration of Halloween featuring five movies that all have some sort of demonic angle or something.  Last week, we looked at Lamberto Bava’s Demons that certainly got air play on cable as well as something most people in their 30s and 40s rented at the local video store.  This week is another case of that.

We’ll be looking at 1990’s Demon Wind.  And let’s just go ahead and get the cat out of the bag.  That is a terrible title.  Seriously, it sounds like something you’d call a fart.  Like a really gross fart.  One that lingers and slowly kills your friends one-by-one while they sleep.  I’ve had a few of those so I know what I’m talking about.

My life is littered with the corpses of dead friends who succumbed to my poor dinner choices. Continue reading “Demon Wind (1990)”

Demons (1985)

You know what?  It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a truly Italian horror flick for a B-Movie Enema.  In the early days of the blog, I covered a couple Italian flicks like The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave and The Eerie Midnight Horror Show.  I have seen a bunch of Italian (and other European) movies in my day, and I’m surprised it’s been since White Comanche in the summer of 2016 that I’ve returned to Europe’s boot.

Also, since this is October, it’s time for a new Halloween theme for B-Movie Enema!  This year, I’m going for some good old fashioned demon action with this year’s Nights of Demons month!  To kick off this theme, I am returning to Italy for the Lamberto Bava-directed, Dario Argento-produced Demons from 1985.  This won’t be the only time we’ll visit Italy this month either, so look out for that. Continue reading “Demons (1985)”